Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Random thoughts for the day

The thing about anxiety and depression is that more than anything I'd love to crawl back in bed and cry yet I'm too restless to do it. Not to mention, I can barely breath. Short quick breaths is what I've been taking. I have to constantly remind myself to breathe.

Nobody at work here knows whats going on. I'm afraid if I tell anyone here I'd lose it and cry all day. With them not knowing, I can control the feelings until I get home. I've even had thoughts of going to Medical and asking the nurse if I can just sit in one of her rooms and cry for a bit.

Today my stomach really hurts from the constant butterfly and flipping feeling.

It's storming now, it wasn't suppose to rain today and I left my bedroom window open. The rain goes straight in.

My friend came to visit and see my new place last night. I was looking forward to talking to her but she brought her husband along. So, she still has no idea how I've been feeling.

My doctor appointment went well yesterday. She increased my dosage of Zoloft and I was able to make an appointment with a phychologist for the 19th. I'm going to try to get something earlier...

I've lost 5 lbs. in the past five days from not being able to eat. Not that I can't stand to loose the weight, it's just a bad way of going about it.

I forgot Sam's birthday I felt like such a bad kitty momma. His 5th b-day was Sunday the 4th.

I'm starting to worry about the money part. Where's it going to come from?

I'm going to start to feel better. I'm going to start to feel better. I'm going to start to feel better.

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