My mom and I try to take a trip together every year. We have so much fun sightseeing. However, I tend to get a bit obnoxious and my mom more or less ignores me or pretends that everything is perfectly normal. A trick she uses to get me to stop perhaps?
Wherever we go I tend to talk (to my mom only) in whatever accent is native to the area. It makes the vacation more.... festive... if only in my own little world.
When we went to Asheville, NC (best trip ever by the way) I talked with a bit of a drawl and said "ya'll" a lot.
When we went to New Orleans I said everything in a French accent and was disappointed that the locals didn't. (Metarie, Cafe du Monde, etc.).
When we went to Boston I didn't say my R's. Harvard became "Hahvahd" and car became "cah". I also switched over to an English accent because, after all, "The British are coming!"
When we went to Mt. Rushmore, I wanted to (but restrained myself) to recite to all, while holding my invisible lapel, Lincoln's Gettysburg address. "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon this continent, a new nation..." Since this is all I remember of the speech it would end there. Of course, Lincoln isn't one of the four presidents on the hillside but it's just that patriotic there.
I think our next trip will be D.C. Do they have an accent I can torment my mom with?
In D.C., isn't it all double talk? Ha!