I got together with my good friend Jenny for lunch at the Olive Garden. She had soup, salad and breadsticks. I had spaghetti and Italian sausage that is so good it brings tears to my eyes. Here, another exchange in oddities that leave me wondering if I am a 12 years old stuck in my 36 year old body.
It doesn't matter what led to this particular exchange because there never has to be a reason.
J - You're sort of like a sandwich.
Me - Yes, because I live on the second floor and...
J - Someone lives above you and below you.
Me - Yeah. Actually, I'm more of a filling because I also have people on both sides of me.
J - (stiffling her laughter)
Me - Actually, I'm more of a hotdish. An ingredient in a condo hotdish.
Or maybe she said "condo hotdish" because at this point we were laughing too much at each other because we really are hilarious.
I believe we decided it wasn't necessarily the crack but a preview of what's to come. Uh oh!