One of the funniest people I know is my friend Leslie. She and I used to work together about seven years ago. We worked in an office where it was just the two of us the majority of the time. We could get damn obnoxious (I know, WHAT? Me obnoxious?!) We spent most of our time laughing and sometimes literally rolling on the floor with laughter.... about stupid things.
I just had this memory of her answering the phone "Good morning, ADX, this is Laura". I immediately start laughing uncontrollably, she sat there stunned and trying not to laugh. Luckily it was someone else we worked with and he just said, "no it's not". I think we laughed about that all week.
I'm meeting her for lunch today, I'll have to remind her of this.
I guess it's one of those things you have to be there for.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Got the reply from my instructor about the zero grade on my paper:
I surely wasn't expecting the full 100 pts! Although, I've set my paper writing standards high, this just proves how fabulous I really am.
"Sorry plus a 10....missed your grade. You earned a 100. Excellent job on the paper. Thanks"
I surely wasn't expecting the full 100 pts! Although, I've set my paper writing standards high, this just proves how fabulous I really am.
Why? What? Wh..?
I checked my grade for my research paper and it's posted as '0' with no explanation! I'm pretty freaked out. I'm hoping that it doesn't mean anything. I've e-mailed the instructor and asked why I received a '0'. I'm assuming it's just a temporary mark until he gets it graded... Shit! I hope it is!!
Friday, November 18, 2005
Lucky Duck!
Today is my mom's last day of work - foreveh! She retires today after about 35 years. Wow. How does one just stop working after that long? I know for myself, if I have a week off with no plans I go a little stir crazy. But to know you don't have to go to work ever again... that would be nice.
Have fun, Momma!
Have fun, Momma!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Pretty much screwed
I called the police just now to see what exactly I can do about my damn neighbors. I explained that the majority of the time the noise is just enough to wake me up and then it's quite. By the time the police get there I can pretty much guarantee that it will be quite and that they won't answer their door. Management will send another letter but explained that I really need to call the police.
So, what the hell? It's my word against their drunken word. It's not fair.
Last night I laid awake running scenerios through my head of what I would say to them if I went over there and knocked on their door after one of their outbursts. It wasn't pretty, I wasn't nice. Why should I be? I want to say "Who the hell do you think you are? Are you aware that your drunken outbursts are disturbing my sleep? Are you aware that you are living in close quarters with several other people? Have you no respect? What's your problem?" Oh, I wish....
Unfortunately, I think I'm eventually going to have to personally go next door and confront them some how. Apparently they don't take management or police seriously.
I'm going to have to open a can of whoop-ass on them. HI-YAH!
So, what the hell? It's my word against their drunken word. It's not fair.
Last night I laid awake running scenerios through my head of what I would say to them if I went over there and knocked on their door after one of their outbursts. It wasn't pretty, I wasn't nice. Why should I be? I want to say "Who the hell do you think you are? Are you aware that your drunken outbursts are disturbing my sleep? Are you aware that you are living in close quarters with several other people? Have you no respect? What's your problem?" Oh, I wish....
Unfortunately, I think I'm eventually going to have to personally go next door and confront them some how. Apparently they don't take management or police seriously.
I'm going to have to open a can of whoop-ass on them. HI-YAH!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Defying gravity
That's how I feel! I'm beyond excited to be going to see Wicked again! Okay, so it won't be until July 2006 but I've bought tickets and I'm ready to go!

Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Gotta lotta stuff done
This weekend was pretty constructive. First off, I was able to sleep in until 10:30 on Saturday! I watched a movie then I went to the library and did my homework. I went to Menards and priced medicine cabinets, light fixtures, bi fold doors and picked up a few more paint samples. I went to Target and bought.... stuff. Went to Marshall Fields and bought a cute little Tiffany lamp (and some Frango mints!). On the way home I got some Chinese take-out and watched another movie
Sunday I didn't make it to church - I'm okay with that since I've been really good on going for the past six weeks. I did a whole bunch of little home improvement things. I painted a plant table, tore down the border in the kitchen, cut and installed carpeting for the front closet, hung some pictures, touched up some paint, did a disastrous paint technique in the bathroom which I'll eventually fix. I did laundry and went for a walk. Then shower and watch Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy.
Lovely weekend!
Sunday I didn't make it to church - I'm okay with that since I've been really good on going for the past six weeks. I did a whole bunch of little home improvement things. I painted a plant table, tore down the border in the kitchen, cut and installed carpeting for the front closet, hung some pictures, touched up some paint, did a disastrous paint technique in the bathroom which I'll eventually fix. I did laundry and went for a walk. Then shower and watch Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy.
Lovely weekend!
When I was thin...
I could eat whatever and as much as I wanted
I didn't have to suck in my stomach
I wore sleeveless tops
Men looked at me
I wore boxer shorts and tank tops for lounging and sleeping
I wasn't self-conscious of my double chin
I think my feet were a half size smaller
I could put lotion all over my back
My inner thighs didn't rub together
I wore a bathing suit - two piece even!
I held my head higher
I didn't need to exercise
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
The funniest thing I've heard today!
I did one of those survey things through e-mail... you know, what's your favorite flavor ice cream, blah, blah. Even though they're all the same, I love doing them.
I get one back from a co-worker/friend (she's 53) and her answer to the question, "What was your first pet's name"? "Niggy - a black lab. (Times were innocent then)"
First my eyes popped out then I laughed. It's so inappropriate, you have to laugh!
I get one back from a co-worker/friend (she's 53) and her answer to the question, "What was your first pet's name"? "Niggy - a black lab. (Times were innocent then)"
First my eyes popped out then I laughed. It's so inappropriate, you have to laugh!
Costume fiasco
Last night I thought I'd try to dress the boys up in their costumes. Last year Rosco was a devil (appropriate) and Sam was Frankenstein. So I thought I'd switch them around this year. I did Rosco first.
I got the Frankenstein fastened around his neck and was working on getting his ears through the little slits. This is a cat who doesn't want to be touched during my waking hours so he was having nothing to do with it. He wasn't vocal about it, just squirmed a lot. Then I smelled something. He crapped on my leg. He does this when he's royally freaked (like when he's in his carrier). Well, that settled that. No costume for Rosco. He showed me.
Sam was next. I got the Devil costume fastened, he's a big cat so the ear slots didn't exactly line up. So, I let him go and tried to get a picture. All of them are of him with his head down, just about out of the frame. He was running around backwards trying to get away from it.
Oh well. Here's last years pictures:

I got the Frankenstein fastened around his neck and was working on getting his ears through the little slits. This is a cat who doesn't want to be touched during my waking hours so he was having nothing to do with it. He wasn't vocal about it, just squirmed a lot. Then I smelled something. He crapped on my leg. He does this when he's royally freaked (like when he's in his carrier). Well, that settled that. No costume for Rosco. He showed me.
Sam was next. I got the Devil costume fastened, he's a big cat so the ear slots didn't exactly line up. So, I let him go and tried to get a picture. All of them are of him with his head down, just about out of the frame. He was running around backwards trying to get away from it.
Oh well. Here's last years pictures:

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