Growing up I always had Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family. For many, many years my mom hosted. I loved Christmas Eve! In 2000 my mom moved about 1 1/2 hours away so the family started taking turns hosting since most of us lived within 30 minutes of each other. I had it for three years in a row and this year my stepsister and her husband had it. I really don't mind hosting but I'm so obsessive that I find it really hard to relax when I'm in charge of it all. Needless to say, this was great and I didn't mind the hour drive to get there.

7 1/2 months old and she knows how to open presents!
This was Chloe's first Christmas. I love when there are children at Christmas. There are only two children left in my family. Somebody's got to start popping out some kids!

Giving the seal kisses turned into a kind of soggy stuffed animal.
what a cute little santa dress!