Wednesday, January 18, 2006

One of those days

Or weeks or months...

I'm incredibly fatigued. I'm moving in a fog. I could drop at anytime to take a long nap. I have no energy. Yet by the time I get in bed I toss and turn for an hour or sometimes two. I sleep light and wake up at the slightest sounds. I feel like I have sand in my eyes.

This has been going on for a couple weeks I guess. I'm hoping it's one of those things... again. I usually do pretty well at ignoring the fatigue and just working through it but all the sleeplessness is catching up with me and I feel really run down. Not even exhausted. If I were exhausted I could fall into a deep sleep. I'm just running out of gas.... put-put-put-pbbbttttt!

On a funny note, I went to the doctor yesterday and the nurse was going over my meds I'm taking. Listed are the OTC drops and gel I use for my eyes. The brand is called "Genteal". The nurse asks, "Are you still using the Genital drops"? I start laughing and correct her but she didn't see what was so funny. Whatevah. The shit's still funny to me.

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