Friday, January 6, 2006


I was listening to a morning show on the radio on the way into work and it got me thinking. They were talking to women who have been single for quite some time. One woman they talked to has been single for 10 years and can't remember the last time she went on a date. On the show these people were calling into talk to Gary Spivey who is a regular guest on the show. I don't know if I believe in what he does but some "revelations" are interesting. Besides the fact that he looks like a freak, he's entertaining.
Anyway, he was telling these woman things such as "you're in denial" or "you're angry with men" blah, blah, blah. So, it got me thinking, why haven't I dated anyone for almost 2 years? Why have I been single for 3 1/2 years?
My thoughts: I am completely terrified of feeling happy, content, and in love with anyone because it will just end in heartbreak. It always does so why would the next time be any different. My attitude is "why bother". It's a depressing attitude but yet I look to the future and I don't see myself with anyone. I've never been the type of person who needs a companion. I also didn't start thinking about getting married until I was about 28-29. When I was growing up (all the way until 28-29) I said I wasn't going to get married - marriage ends in divorce. It was all around me, marriage doesn't work, why would I even bother?
The woman who has been single for 10 years, he told her that she was still in love with a past love. She agreed that it was her daughter's father although she hasn't spoken to him in quite some time and he remarried etc. So, Gary got rid of some of her "dark energy" and "demons" and she felt "light and tingly". But it hit close to home for me. I know exactly who I'm hung up on and I know that's not healthy. I also know that I'm only in love with the person he used to be and that he is now an ex for a reason.
I go back and forth thinking it might be nice to share my life and love with someone. I have so much to give. And now that all of my friends are married and are happy and starting families, I guess they've become my role models on successful relationships and I'm warming to the idea that it all just may work.

Now I'm depressed.

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