Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My tweezer may go bad.

I spend far too many minutes everyday in front of my magnified mirror tweezing those suckahs.

It's just not right.

It's just not fair.

It comes with age, genetics and that pesky thyroid disease that annoys my life.

I finally made the plunge and bought laser hair removal treatments - thanks to Groupon.

$199 will get me six sessions (chump change when you have the ol' plastic magical money).

The logic is that this will save my sanity and maybe a bit o' self esteem.

The hair on my chinny-chin-chin will be history in less than a year.

This is a life changing event.

This could be my birthday gift to myself...

Wait, that's what this was:

I will mention that I forgot to have the halo added...

1 comment:

  1. i like the tatt :) and congrats on your new chinny chin chin to be!
