Friday, June 5, 2009


I got the job! I am way too excited!
I had a hard time sleeping last night. I was up watching a movie until a little after 1 am. Not sleepy at all. I woke up sometime around 3:30 am and again around 6:30 am. I was going to just get up but I felt crappy so I dozed on and off for a couple more hours. At 9:30 my phone rings, the caller ID says it's the management company that manages my condo association. It's also the manager I work with as board president. Anyway, I didn't feel like answering. I was feeling like I didn't give a damn what the manager had to say about the piece of crap property... but I answered anyway.
To my surprise it was the woman I interviewed with. I held my breath after she identified herself. Within micro-seconds I was trying to determine her tone. She's calling me ten days too early. She's too chipper to give me bad news. Maybe she's just trying to buffer it. It's gotta be bad news. How should I react to it? Breathe....
Wait, she offered me the job? Holy. Uh, yeah, I'll take that bad boy.
Tentatively I will start the 22nd so I have two weeks to enjoy the time off without looking for a job and stressing over the whole absurdty of it all.
Another awesome thing, I can wear jeans. I was sure I was going to have to buy a whole new waredrobe. As fun as that would have been, the funds aren't there. I'll still have to buy something.
The hours are perfect, the location is super close to home. I have really good feelings about this. I'm happy!

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