Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Done. Finished. Completed. Gone.

I am so happy! So relived. Life is worth living again.

I resigned from the board. I could have just stepped down but I wanted out. I have been overloaded with making decisions I don't care about. Or, I want someone else to make because, really, I'm tired of people griping about the money spent but don't take the time to come to meetings and understand the whats and whys.

I'm tired of asking Former President to stop jingling her keys during the meetings. I LOVE that another board member told a woman she didn't appreciate her sarcasm. I'm tired of being grossed out by a particular board member's herniated bellybutton sticking out from his pregnant belly through his tight shirt. (gag!) I'm tired of wondering what shape Mary's mind will be in when she comes to a meeting. Will she be happy? Confused? Jolly? Irritated? Tell us how wonderful we all are? Or will she, like last time, say, "I know you're sitting up there in your princess chair but I'd like to see Former President back on the board". Then sit and glare at me. Really? Princess. I think Queen.

I'm tired of the politics, the babysitting, the scolding, and the decisions that directly make another person's life miserable.

I don't want to spend five minutes deciding what color a suggestion box should be and another five discussing if the clip board that holds the paper next to it should be pink, purple, green or blue.

Therefore, beginning December 1st I am no longer a board member but "simply" a homeowner. I can now stick out my tongue at Mary's back without getting in trouble.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!!! Seriously tho, I admire you for getting involved in the first place. And, part of me is glad you had the experience, because your storytelling totally cracks me up!
