Tuesday, October 25, 2005

New mission

I went to my condo's monthly association meeting last night. I was able to talk to the manager briefly about my terrible neighbors. Several other residents there knew exactly who I was talking about, said they have been called on several times in the past, said to keep calling the police and management.

As I'm leaving I meet a couple of my neighbors. One said, "you know, they're the reason Marlys moved". My jaw dropped. Oh lordy! (Marlys being the previous owner).

Now, my mission is to get them to shut their traps. I don't want to have to move so soon. Marlys owned the unit for 16 months. I've been looking at other property since my first week there. Now that I know they drove the previous owner out, I'm going to stay on them and get THEM out!

I will not live like this anymore. I will not be miserable in a place I OWN. I will not stand for their drunken nights anymore. I SHALL RISE ABOVE THIS! That just seemed appropriate there.

I'm on a mission, stand back, outta my way....

Thursday, October 20, 2005

64 days

Until I graduate!

That's 6 more class meetings for Career Development.

That's 9 1/2 more weeks of Business Ethics.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Scary fat man

Last night I had a terrible dream. The noisy neighbor got into my place w/o me knowing. In my dream he was this short, slobby, fat man w/ short sausage fingers, short legs and puckery lips. (IRL he's fairly average looking). The man was sitting on my porch (which I don't have) and trying to grab me by my wrists. I struggled away and called 911 sobbing while he tried to grab me.

Ugh, it was awful!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Damn freaks!

Just before 3 am last night I wake up to, guess... the neighbors yelling. Holy shit! You wouldn't believe it. I just sat there with my mouth open. How the hell does someone think they can just do that?! It wasn't even really an argument but the guy was obviously yelling at his wife. He sounds like he should be medicated.

"Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit!" or "Fuck you, you fucking c***!"(insert a C-U-Next-Tuesday here) or "Shut the fuck up" or "I should smash this over your fucking head you fucking (insert "piece of shit" or "c***" here)".

It went on and on and on and on and on.... None stop. He just kept yelling it all over and over. It was bizarre. I called the cops after about 10 minutes. The cops came 10 minutes later. As soon as I heard the cops car idling outside the neighbor shut up. I heard the cops knock at their door about four times. They didn't answer. The cops left an 30-45 minutes later the asshole started up again. I moved out to the couch where I tossed and turned for another hour.

THEN at 9 am the woman starts yelling! Kicks him out, he's yelling at her in the hallway, she lets him back in, she yells some more then all is quite.

WHAT THE FUCK?! I'm pissed. I've had it. This is hell and I'm overly annoyed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Call me chicken

The drunken, smoky, crabby-sounding, shouting neighbors of mine got a note on their door yesterday morning. I couldn't bring myself to actually knock on their door. I don't like strange people who yell in the middle of the night because they drink all day. Kind of a red flag for me.

I put a very polite note on their door yesterday morning and it was gone yesterday afternoon. They got the message so let's see if they honor it. It was quite last night - yessss!

Next step will be calling the police but it's such a pain in the ass to completely wake up to dial the phone and report them. Ugh.

Now if I could just get the person upstairs to stop walking on the creaky parts of the floor.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Shouty McShourtertons

Shut your mouth!

I am so tired of being tired. Saturday I woke up four or five times to the neighbors shouting. WTF is wrong with them?!

I know I need to call the police but I'm just too tired at the time. I can notify management, but she comes off with this attitude that she doesn't want to be bothered. Plus, the management want owner's to try to resolve problems between themselves. Well, I'm not going over to some drunken neighbors to confront them about their SHOUTING in the middle of the night.

Should I leave a "nice" little note pointing out that I would rather they didn't SHOUT in the middle of the night? I hate being the "bad guy" but it's unacceptable and I'm loosing sleep. I can't be the only one either.I know nothing will change unless something is said so I better say something....

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Dead dream

Last night I had such a strange dream (aren't they all). I dreamt that I was dead. I was, I guess, a ghost. It was so strange. I was at my school gymnasium in the middle of the night. Some gang approached me (I was already dead) and they pulled a knife out. I just jumped and flew away They got scared and ran off. There was a part where I was walking down a flight of stairs on the outside of an old crumbly building with a guy. We didn't have any clothes on and I was bleeding.

The next thing I know I'm sitting in an office on a toilet (not going to the bathroom ) just off the gym and I'm with a boyfriend - I guess the same one I was naked with - and we're sort of hiding out there. Some people come to the door - friends of ours? - and sit down, we're talking blah, blah, blah. In walks my best friend from several years ago whom I've lost touch with since he got married. He was wearing a navy blue sweatshirt with a lit up clock on the front Oh, it gets better, after him in walks my dad with the same sweatshirt. He sits down and immediately starts explaining to everyone that this isn't like him, he's usually really shy. So strange.

Next thing I'm in a school auditorium getting my clarinet for the band. I can't remember how to play it because it's been 20 years since the last time I've played. But I tell whoever I'm great. I want to be in the band to I can see an old friend from Jr. High (IRL, I've recently gotten back in touch with him). I think I'm alive for this part.

Now, someone explain this one to me