Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wedding Hair

I did my first wedding party in a couple years.  I did the hair for a bride, four bridesmaids and the MOB.  Updos and formal hair is one of my favorite things to do and one of the main things I miss about doing hair.

The day started out a bit annoying... very annoying  I got to the MOB's house at the scheduled time.  It's at this time the bride decides she's going to jump in the shower.


Seriously, this is not what we do.

A couple bridesmaids show up ten minutes later so I can at least start on someone.

The bride has never used mousse in her hair and she never, never blow dries it.  One of the bridesmaids has to do this for her.


 After doing 1 1/2 bridesmaids I get the brides hair set and she goes off to do her make up.  I do another 1 1/2 bridesmaids and plan to finish the bride.  Two minutes into it she gets a call and needs to take it... for 20 minutes.

I finish the bridesmaids, the bride comes back with 45 minutes left on the clock.  Her hair is horrendous to work with.  Fine, stick straight, slippery (because it was freakin' freshly washed), and doesn't hold a curl.  Working it into the bun I need to is going to be a nightmare and I need all the minutes I can get.

Well, she's happy with it but I'm too much of a perfectionist and would ideally love to start over.  No can do.

Meanwhile the 11 year old bridesmaid keeps putting on her jacket and the collar is rubbing on her newly done hair.

I notice that one bridesmaid's "rosettes" are off center.  Dang.

I have three minutes left on the clock and need to do the MOB.  Thankfully there is time and they are on their way only 20 minutes behind schedule.


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