Sunday, April 23, 2006

Soul for sale

This is what online dating is narrowed down to (IMO).

About a month ago I registered on eHarmony just out of curiosity. My stepsister met her fiance there last fall. So, I thought what the heck!

eHarmony is advertised as the place to find your "soul mate".

Instantly I wasn't impressed... what-so-ever. I can see the concept, "finding love from the inside out". But I'm not sold.

I've gotten a lot of matches but not a single one that I'm excited about. Yes, I want to love someone from "the inside out" but goodness, I have to want to look at them, right? Okay, they're not all fugly, just not attractive to me.

Then the other stupid part it answering open ended questions. This is no way to learn about someone. We can go about that all day long and it won't attract me to someone more or less. You go through this process of communication:

1. Open ended questions. You select five multiple choice questions for your match to answer then they do the same.

2. You open you profile further. Your match can now read your "Must haves and can't haves" Basically deal breakers.

3. You select three "essay" questions for your match to answer.

4. Open communication. You and your match e-mail within the site.

It's a waiting game. Will they respond? Will I get to the next level of communication? Is my soul a match for theirs? I pretty much am not feeling it.

Another thing I noticed is a lot of men want someone who is "physically active" or "enjoys working out" or "is really attractive". Really? This coming from some buttmunch sitting on a Harley wearing leather pants and a receding hairline and a double chin.

Yeah, I don't think I'm going to meet my love on the internet.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

The weekend's over

Friday I met Terri at Chuck-e-Cheese for dinner with her kids. It was so nice to see her after so many years. We caught up on some of the big events from the past 15 years and talked about some old times in high school. (sp?) No awkwardness, just fun.

I got a lot of errands done (ie. spent money I didn't have). But with the errands done I was able to cross a couple things off my "To do" list that I've had going since I moved in.

I decided to pretend I have a green thumb and cut back a houseplant I had in my bedroom. It was huge, touched the ceiling, so I cut it down, way down. It was so top heavy that it was tipping over, I had to prop it in the corner more or less. I cut the main "trunk" which means there is no more leaves on it. There are some closer to the planter. Anyway, I thought this could work, new shoots will sprout eventually. I told my mom about it (I got the plant from her when I moved in because it was too big for their house). She gasped and said "Oh Steve is going to be just sick". I freaked, Why?! Apparently it was his from oh, about 25 years ago. I told her not to tell him yet until I get some information on whether it will grow back. God, I hope so. Pray for my plant.

Okay, good news, I am online at home. It's dial-up but I haven't been able to connect since I moved here. I finally got a land line to connect about 3 weeks ago but I couldn't. I kept getting messages that my ISP couldn't connect to my modem. I tried all the troubleshooting and e-mailed my computer manufacturer for their input. Nothing worked. I finally realized that I downloaded some software for the power pack dealy thingy - it's the only thing that is different from before I moved. I uninstalled and BAM I'm on line! I was so frustrated and now I'm happy.

I also got a start on Spring cleaning. Now, I must settle in for Grey's Anatomy.